Eli Kenworthy was born Dec. 15, 1834, in Preble County, Ohio. In his youth he learned the carpenter’s trade, which he followed several years. He received the greater part of his education after he had attained his majority in the schools of Earlham and Graysville, and subsequently taught two terms. He then engaged in the paper business in Richmond, and in 1863 was employed by the Freedmen’s Department to visit the Southern States and look after the interests of the colored people. He has been engaged in the lumber business and also in the manufacture of coffins, etc., but of late has been engaged in farming. He was one of the leaders in the movement to introduce the graded-school system in Webster. He is now serving his second term as Trustee of Webster Township. Mr. Kenworthy was married in 1866 to Rachel, daughter of Nathan Puckett. She was born Oct. 3, 1834. They have four children – Almira, Robert B., Harriett E. and Florence N. History of Wayne County, Indiana. Chicago: Inter-State Publishing Co. 1884. Volume 2. Page 818.